Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Whirlwind

God has spoken in past times in the whirlwind. While I don't pretend to understand all the meanings associated with it I am aware that it is something that gets our attention. For those who are pursuing their God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength..REJOICE! For others who are back slidden...REPENT. For the lost..BE BORN AGAIN!

While atop a mountain and praying for our city, I saw a great dark storm approaching. It appeared evil. Out of the darkness of the cloud appeared a great whirlwind descending down upon the city. I sensed that God was encouraging us to embrace His prophetic voice and not draw back. Also I noticed a dark covering like black oil over the city. As we repented for our sins the blackness rolled back and a precious metal appeared shimmering over the city. As promised when we turn from our wicked ways God will heal our land and lead us into greater glory.

Embrace the prophetic

Now more than ever God is speaking to His people preparing them for His plans. God speaks many ways and His Word is our sure foundation. However, God still speaks to us today and desires for us to partake. One way God speaks is through dreams and visions. May we find this journey profitable for His name's sake.