Saturday, May 05, 2007


Amazing times we live in...if we are willing and obedient we will eat the good of the land. The unveiling of the unseen realm has been increasing...praise God! We had a very intense prayer time for a couple of hours. The Lord showed up of course. I saw a lion and Jesus come and sit and watch over a sea of humanity. We ended up interceding for the lost..pulling them from the pits of hell.

Today after my 3 hour prayer walk I had another cool experience. These experiences just keep increasing. I've been seeing horses a lot lately along with orbs. Again today a host of horses with angels riding on them rode up. Then Jesus approached me and gave me a rod and said it was for the destruction of religious systems. Praise God that religion is being removed and a relationship with Jesus is returning to His church. Later in the day the horses appeared and 3 Mantles stood before me...they were..HONOR, FAITH, and COURAGE. Then they came toward me and went into me.

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