Friday, May 18, 2007

The Healing Room

As I was lying on my bed, I sensed the Lord say "I'm taking you to the healing room". While what I believe saw was true, it was also very simple. The room was white. As I entered I looked to my left and I saw against the wall containers of hearts. There were literally hundreds and hundreds of hearts and probably many more. I sensed I would receive an anointing to prayer for hearts both physically and spiritually. I opened my mouth and hundreds and hundreds of hearts went into me. Next I walked further down the wall and there was intestines. Again a multitude of intestines each in there own container. I opened my mouth and they went into me. On another wall were skeletons, the complete bone frame of man, each in containers. These to went into me. Further up the same wall as the skeletons I sensed black. Then I saw what was in the containers was blood. I felt like I was given healing over blood diseases and conditions. Once again all those containers of blood went into me. I thought I was finished and turned around. I saw babies in little incubators in the center of the room and going down, down, down. I felt the Lord say I'll pray for unborn babies, babies in the womb, and babies here on the earth.

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